BHEC Celebrates 5 Years

The Blue Hen Economics Club is 5 years old this January, and we just completed one of our most successful years yet. In 2019, the Club hosted a number of events, including employer networking opportunities, the annual Environmental Case Competition, our first-ever Social Media Challenge, ongoing tutoring/study sessions, and a career-prep seminar that qualified as a BUAD110 Passport Event. To celebrate, the officers designed new Club t-shirts! (If you would like to purchase a new t-shirt, contact an officer.)
At the annual Case Competition (co-hosted with the Delaware Environmental Institute and UD Green Grants), several students presented innovative ideas to “green” our campus. The winners were Zoryana Harhas with “Sustainable Solutions for Take-Out Dining” (1st place), Mack Rodriguez with “Reduction of Red Meat in UD Dining Halls” (2nd place), and Jared Kanim with “Water Availability” (3rd place).
Other 2019 highlights include: in May, the Club celebrated a large cohort of graduating officers, who had been very dedicated to BHEC for several years; in the fall, our Hamilton Lane guests hosted a fun “Private Equity” Q&A, complete with Chick-fil-A; and in December, we welcomed several new officers to the Club.
The Club owes its success to the dedicated executive board, who plan events, organize club affairs, and stay connected with their peers through many activities fairs and social media. Their time and efforts have helped to build a sense of community among economics students and provide opportunities for all members to learn and socialize. We would also like to acknowledge ongoing support from the Economics Department in Lerner College, and our event co-sponsors, DENIN and UD Green Grants. We are excited to see what 2020 will bring!